Sunday 18 August 2013

Bolludagur: Every Day could be Bun Day

The Icelanders celebrate a the Monday before Shrove Tuesday with cream filled buns and allow their children to hit them with sticks and yell about how many buns they wish to be supplied with.

Seems like a good idea.

Let us collect good ideas in this blog, mostly in the shape of lovely things to help enrich our homes and lives.
Keep in mind though, if you are already miserable then this will help not a jot.
Not even those lovely $2 IKEA tea towels can help you.

Another reason to spend my hard earned energy on this blog is to supply the InterWeb with good info and proper photos of these thingers that I have found at garage sales and antique stores. Too often I can not find a picture of an item at all; and if a picture does exist, it is of atrocious quality.

Here is a specific example about a random object.

At a local vintage/furniture/antique store in Winnipeg, I found a little clear glass ink jar with the words "Winnipeg Imperial Ink Company" inscribed in the bottom. It looked like it could be from the 30's and possibly up to the 60's. I like to collect historical objects about Winnipeg so I tried to find out about it, online, of course. Nothing. No text and no images of that specific bottle came up. QED

quod erat demonstrandum |kwäd ˈerət ˌdemənˈsträndəm|(abbr.:QED )nounused to convey that a fact or situation demonstrates the truth of one's theory or claim, esp. to mark the conclusion of a formal proof.
Since this isn't really a proper post but an introduction and a soft opening let's start with the titular item of this blog.

The first thing I can endorse are 
Icelandic Eclairs called Bollur.

A recipe can be found here: 

If you are ever in Gimli Manitoba Around the beginning of February, then search out the Bollur party. There will probably be some good Icelandic Folk song singing by the resident old guy.

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